Friday, June 23, 2006

No hablo espanol.

Turns out, I am not bilingual.

Sometimes you just want pineapple rice at the Thai place and no one can go with you. It always happens on the days you really need emotional support because you failed your Spanish test at work, and it feels like you failed as a person and can't find the words to say to someone, I need you to eat dinner with me. It always only comes out as, I need pineapple rice, and no one cares about pineapple rice. If you're lucky, there is one person in your life who reads you like a book and deciphers all your secret languages and understands the words, "pineapple rice" and "tacos" to mean "companionship" and "a stiff drink".

When that person is not around, I feel like I live on a solitary island waving at people in the distance all day long who refer to me as the crazy rice or taco lady.  

Fort Wayne, where did everyone go?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i don't even know where to get pinapple rice here. isn't that sad all in itself?