Thursday, January 1, 2009

Lets get this party started.

Dear B,

Wear less sweatpants. This is the beauty of a tropical climate. You own a thousand cute outfits that are perfectly wearable year round. Hello?

Do not wait until the last minute to read an entire semester’s worth of articles. You are paying a trillion dollars for this education, so you might as well learn actual theories and not just Marva Lewis’s notes on attachment via overhead (read: iChat).

Get more than 6 hours of sleep per night. This will likely mean limiting midnight back-to-back episodes of Chelsea Lately and Sex and the City. You will manage.

Remember the athletic center you are forced to pay $900 a semester to use? Go to it. Your friends used to have to come pick you up because you rode your bike too long and too far. Figure out where that bike riding joy went and reinstate it. Except, don't ride yourself silly in New Orleans. You will get kidnapped.

Do not drink Diet Coke for breakfast. Start each morning with a giant glass of water. End each day with a giant glass of water. If you must have the Diet Coke, at least buy it from the machine where Molly won $1.25 and haunted house tickets.

Stop writing emails on Ambien. If you send an email after 10 pm, there’s a good chance it was written under the influence (cough, Judy Lewis). You are not more hilarious on Ambien. You simply have no filter. Find the tool on gmail that screens for irresponsible emailing and enable it.

Stop being so afraid of new things the first time around. They always turn out just fine.

Be patient. Timing is everything.

Clean your apartment so you can begin hosting the over-promised, under-delivered hot tub reading parties and Sex and the City Sundays. Your home should be your place. That means you should be able to walk through it without having to scale piles of clothes.

Purchase cleaning supplies and hangers.

Be intentional with keep-in-touch-Sunday even when other things try to crowd it out. Relationships are most important. Don't forget.

Ski. You know you want to.

You are about to become an intern again. Be yourself and trust that who you are is good enough, cool enough, nice enough, honest enough, funny enough, pretty enough, smart enough and competent enough.

Embrace the next eight months and try everything. You’ll never get this season back.

Graduate! It’s sort of the point.

Allow God to lead your heart. He did a fantastic job in 2008, and if you pay attention, your whole life could be as amazing.



Anonymous said...

that's cool brooke, what a great writer.

collinsfamily3 said...

All the above plus visit SC :) Enjoyed your blog.

Anonymous said...

you just inspired me! thanks!

Anonymous said...

yaay brooke i should write myself a note like this lol are we really paying $900 for the gym? that's sick! lol oh and i just moved and have a thousand hangers - don't buy any! see you soon!

Anonymous said...

A couple of thoughts: You might want to skip the giant glass of water before bed, it might impede the more than six hours of sleep thing you are striving for and from what I know about you and hear others say, you are good enough, cool enough, nice enough, honest enough, funny enough, pretty enough, smart enough and competent enough! 2009 will be sweet! Hope I can help you with the skiing and maybe a few others......

Anonymous said...

This is great brooke. Everyone should write themselves one of these. To bad i am not as creative as you.

Anonymous said...

you're lovely!

Anonymous said...

you are my favorite. you really are.

Anonymous said...

this is fabulous Brooke. I think i'll go skiing too. :-)

Anonymous said...

haha on the first one,
you could always wear your "really cute dress"
you know, the one we ALL remember!

Anonymous said...

oooh great- i'm glad you share your processing like this- i miss you. happy new year!

Anonymous said...

Your whole life is amazing.

"We will be fine in 2009" is my new motto.

Can't wait to see you!

Brooke said...

Thanks you guys. The thing is, I already broke about 8 resolutions and its only January 2.
I resolve to stay resolved.

Anonymous said...

are we seriously paying that much for the gym? yikes. can't wait to shuttle it up with you on tuesday!!